Hi, I’m Rebekah

Let me tell you a little about my site

My rebekah site contains a little bit of stuff I think other people might find fun. Things like the picture over there on the right that was taken while my Girl Scout troop was at an Atlanta Braves game that had 2 rain delays. I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m soaking wet in that picture from playing in the rain. While I’m thinking about it I should let you know that if you ever decide to play in the rain at a Braves game you can plan on being really cold in the car trip home, especially if your daddy is the sort of man that turns the air conditioner on full blast!

I’ll rebekah also talk about some of the really important things in life, like disaster relief, things you can do to make your pet happy and healthy, how to make pot holders and some information about really important people like Santa Clause. rebekah I just saw him a few weeks ago and he was really excited about Christmas.

I spend most of my time studying and reading, so changes to this page might come a little slow… but hopefully not as slow as my daddy has been updating my other web site. Can you believe he went 6 years without updating any pictures or anything? He says he was just to busy but I’m not buying that.

Oh well, I’m off to figure out what I’m going to do next. I’m thinking it’s about time to make a trip to the painted potter, or maybe Dave and Busters. Thanks for looking at my website, Maybe there will be more out here next time you are surfing the net. Take care and don’t get into any trouble.